
Double Materiality Assessment

The double materiality analysis which is required under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) examines the external impact on Truecaller and also Truecaller’s impact on the environment and society. This two-dimensional approach allows us to identify and assess risks and opportunities – both within and outside of our organisational boundaries.

Key components of our strategy

The materiality analysis was conducted in five main stages: identification of context, identification of topics for stakeholder engagement, gathering of stakeholder perspectives, feedback analysis and identification of material topics.

The materiality analysis was conducted in five main stages:

  1. Identification of context
  2. Identification of topics for stakeholder engagement
  3. Gathering of stakeholder perspectives
  4. Feedback analysis and
  5. Identification of material topics

Co-operation with internal stakeholders :

In consultation with internal stakeholders we have worked on identifying and understanding the material aspects of our business operations.

In cooperation with various departments and teams we have gathered insights on internal factors that impact our sustainability performance.

Co-operation with external stakeholders :

In dialogue with external stakeholders, such as customers, investors and supervisory bodies, we have endeavoured to understand expectations and concerns about Truecaller’s impact on the environment, society and governance.

Materiality matrix :

Based on the points of view of these stakeholders, we have created a materiality matrix that captures both internal and external perspectives and maps the key areas of significant importance for Truecaller and our stakeholders. We then placed the topics in order of priority based on their impact on our business operations and their relevance to external stakeholders.

Truecaller’s materiality analysis is based on a review of internal and external stakeholder perspectives, on the expectations of relevant rating institutions, and on applicable regulations.

Bringing in and compiling all of these perspectives resulted in the understanding that Truecaller should focus on the following sustainability topics:

  • Environment: reporting on carbon footprint and plans to reduce carbon emissions, green buildings and waste management .
  • Social responsibility: employee wellbeing, human capital, diversity, equality and inclusion, human rights, customer satisfaction and community engagement
  • Governance: corporate and sustainability governance, trust and integrity, and data privacy and security (including cybersecurity and information security)

For more insights and definitions please refer our ESG Reports and Disclosures section.