

Our sustainability goal is to reduce our carbon footprint and to do what we can to contribute to a sustainable future.

Energy efficiency and positive environmental impact

Reduced carbon footprint

We calculated our carbon footprint for the first time to establish a baseline in 2023 and decided on actions to reduce our emissions going forward. Taking into consideration the breakdown of the emissions sources, we established a three-year plan to reduce carbon emissions as follows:

  • Scope 2 emissions from our offices from electricity consumption
  • Scope 3 emissions in category 3 from the offices in India from earlier stages as certain energy losses occur in electricity transmission
  • Scope 3 emissions in category 6 from business travel by air and rail
  • Scope 3 emissions in category 7 from the offices in India from commuting

Our Target for carbon emissions is a reduction in carbon emissions of 30 percent by 2026.

Green buildings

Our Offices

In March 2023 Truecaller’s first own office outside of Sweden was opened, in Bangalore, India. The new office was granted LEED certification in 2023. This certification, which is granted to sustainable buildings, is an internationally recognized symbol of leading initiatives and performance within sustainability. The LEED process evaluates buildings based on their performance in relation to various sustainability criteria and aims to revolutionize the construction industry, with the goal of contributing to reduced global emissions.

Our office in Gurugram has LEED Gold certification. The building and its interiors meet the requirements for green buildings according to the WELL Building Standard, which guarantees sustainability as well as human health and wellbeing. Our head office in Stockholm is housed in a LEED certified building with the highest LEED rating.

Data center

Our data center in Stockholm has been recognized for its minimal environmental impact and is certified to ISO 14001:2015, an international standard for efficient environmental management systems. In 2018 our choice for our transition to a cloud-based solution was Google Cloud Platform (GCP) due to Google’s commitment to running its data centers using clean energy.

GCP data centers are distinguished by their exceptional energy efficiency; on average a Google data center is twice as energy efficient as a conventional data center. In the past five years these data centers reached a milestone in generating five times as much data capacity while keeping energy consumption at the same level. In line with our sustainability targets we are therefore proud to announce that we were able to phase out own data center in Stockholm in 2024. All of our work flows will be transferred to Google Cloud Platform in an initiative that will not only improve our operational efficiency, but is also aligned with our focus on our environmental responsibility. We are also prioritizing resource efficiency by dynamically adapting our server systems to user patterns. During periods of high user activity, such as in the evening, we are scaling up to meet the demand. Conversely, during periods of low activity we can proactively scale back to optimize energy consumption and reduce our environmental impact.

Waste management

In 2023 we remained focused on reducing waste and increasing waste recycling at all offices. We are continuing to collect all electronic equipment that has reached the end of its life cycle and we are exploring new partnerships to improve collection and recycling options for our offices. In addition to reducing waste, we are also aiming to create positive effects for the community through our CSR initiatives.

This includes donating laptops and mobile phones to underserved schools and children as a means of contributing to community wellbeing. In the places where it is possible, we are also aiming to exceed our waste reduction targets. This includes measuring progress made, not only in electronic waste, but also in areas such as household waste, food waste and plastic waste. Having this ambition will enable us to measure and evaluate our progress in the years ahead. Wet and dry waste are sorted, recycled and turned into safe fertilizers to be used in the parks around our offices. All electronic waste and wet and dry waste are collected, sorted and measured, and all reports are sent to the Indian Pollution Board via the tech parks where we have our offices.

More on various areas that we focus can be read in our ESG Reports and Disclosures section.