

Our sustainability goal is to create the most inclusive environment and workplace for all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion ,location or age.

Employee well-being, development, and equality are critical to fostering a positive, inclusive, and productive work environment that benefits everyone. We are fully committed to this.

Human capital

At Truecaller we believe that it is our people that create value and our aim is to utilize the collective strength of our global network of employees to generate value for our customers and communities, while also contributing to a sustainable society. In our efforts to achieve these goals it is of course essential to respect the fundamental rights of our employees, to offer equal opportunities and to provide a safe and healthy workplace. We also prioritize developing positive relationships between employees and the company by, for example, maintaining a work environment that helps our people feel proud and happy to work for Truecaller. We also have an active dialogue about how employees are treated as well as their career and development opportunities.

Our Human Resources Plan emphasizes three areas – Culture, Growth and Leadership – to drive Truecaller’s success.

  • Fair and equal opportunities employer

At Truecaller, we are proud to be a fair and equal employer. For us, it is important to retain and attract talent who can continue to develop our services. Therefore, it is important for us to be a workplace where employees are satisfied, motivated and want to be part of our journey. We attach great importance to employee satisfaction, good internal communication and employee health and well-being. Truecaller offers its employees the opportunity to take on new challenges, work with "big data", be part of an international team with the opportunity to create the career they want.

Truecaller employees represent around 35 nationalities and perform global work regardless of location. 29% of Truecaller's employees are women. 43% of the employees are engineers.

Diversity, equality and inclusion

Truecaller prioritizes being a diversified and inclusive company where each employee is welcome, treated equally and feels included. Truecaller focuses on diversity, equality and inclusion, an important driver to reach sustainable growth and create value for society. Diversity is essential for innovation, but it is not enough on its own. In order to benefit from diversity, we need to give everyone access to the same opportunities through structural change (equality) and ensure an inclusive and safe environment where everyone feels accepted and appreciated, free to express their opinions and contribute (inclusion). Truecaller’s strategy therefore includes various measures in these three main areas at both the global and local level.

Human rights

At Truecaller we recognize the importance of respecting human rights in all parts of our organization. We want to guarantee that the human rights of people throughout Truecaller’s value chain are met by having appropriate clauses, training and implementation procedures at our workplaces. This includes zero tolerance for discrimination as well as for child and forced labor. Our Code of Conduct stipulates that Truecaller and its employees must respect all internationally recognized human rights, including the international human rights conventions. We are to avoid causing, contributing to and any connection with human rights violations. We are to take appropriate measures against any such violations that occur.

More on various areas that we focus can be read in our ESG Reports and Disclosures section.