

Our sustainability goal is to offer a safe community experience and guarantee built-in data protection for the Truecaller community.

Sustainability governance

The Board of Directors is the highest governing body for Truecaller’s sustainability work and is responsible for introducing effective governance procedures. This work involves, but is not limited to, promoting responsible decision-making and supervising the implementation and monitoring the outcome of Truecaller’s sustainability strategy and sustainability performance. The Board is also responsible for issuing the Sustainability Report.

The senior management team is responsible for introducing the sustainability strategy in the company, including long-term ambitions and goals. The team takes initiatives and ensures that targets are met with the help of employees from all parts of the company. Truecaller also has a sustainability manager who reports to Truecaller’s Chief HR Officer who is part of the senior management team. The sustainability manager is also invited to Audit Committee meetings on a regular basis.

More information about Truecaller’s sustainability governance and corporate governance is available in the Corporate Governance Report in our Sustainability report.

Trust and integrity

Winning is not just about results. It is also about how we achieve them.

We are dedicated to upholding strong business ethics in all our relationships.

Our Code of Conduct plays a pivotal role in guiding these efforts.

Anti corruption

Truecaller has a strong focus on ethics and compliance with a zero-tolerance policy against corruption. The company's employees are trained in accordance with Truecaller's code of conduct.

Ethics and compliance are fundamental aspects of achieving results for all successful companies. At Truecaller we always apply ethical business practices that meet very high standards. Our aim is to be a leader in doing business responsibly and we regard it as our duty to maintain integrity uncompromisingly – in all interactions with users, customers and our colleagues. Our strong ethics and our values are an integrated part of our operations around the world.

See in-depth descriptions and comments in our ESG Reports and Disclosures section.