The Nomination Committee represents Truecaller's shareholders and submits proposals for board members and renumeration
Truecaller applies the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and according to this, the company shall have a nomination committee whose purpose is to submit proposals regarding the chairman of general meetings, candidates for board members (including the chairman), fees and other remuneration to each board member and remuneration for committee work, election and remuneration to external auditors and proposals for the Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee's proposals are presented in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting held on May 23, 2024, the shareholders adopted principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee shall consist of four members, of which three members shall be appointed by the Company's three largest shareholders and the fourth member shall be a representative from the Board of Directors of Truecaller. The Annual General Meeting instructs the Chairman of the Board to contact the three largest shareholders or groups of shareholders (this refers to both directly registered shareholders and nominee-registered shareholders), according to Euroclear Sweden AB's printout of the share register as of 30 September 2024, each appointing a representative constitute a nomination committee for the period until a new nomination committee has been appointed in accordance with the mandate from the 2024 Annual General Meeting.
The following members have been appointed to form a Nomination Committee ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2025:
Proposals or comments to the Nomination Committee should be sent to: no later than the 31st of January 2025.